Conversations with the Tyrant

Tyrant: Whine* Whine* Whine* Papa!

Papa: Do you want this?

Tyrant: No *Whine*

Papa: What about this?

Tyrant: No *Whine*

Papa: Do you want this? or this? or this?

Tyrant: No *Whine*

Papa: Then I just don’t know what you want.


Papa: Honey I can’t figure out what it is that he wants.

Mama thinks: So what do you want me to do about it?

Today. . . .

Today I accomplished:

1. Cleaned Living Room and Kitchen twice apiece
2. shoveled the sidewalk, driveway, neighbor's sidewalk, then started all over again on ours
3. Went sledding on nearby hill with the boys for an hour or so until we were all frozen
4. Read 2 chapters of scriptures
5. baked yummy banana bread
6. Read aloud with the boys so they could practice ( *sad face* they wanted to stop when I wanted to keep reading. I guess we'll find out the ending tomorrow)

Today I am thankful for:
1. Finally motivating myself to take the boys outside. It wasn't so bad once I was out and they had a blast.
2. Powdery snow, which was light and easy to shovel or sweep as the case may be.
3. Yummy smells of baked goods the pervade the entire house
4. Do-overs
5. Mostly obedient boys who learn quickly that mama means it and buckle down and do their math practice problems even though school is out and their teacher didn't say they had to

Today had some memorable moments. Most notable are:
1. The Comedian came in with a great big grin on his face to let me know that he was "all sugared up" (Heaven save us all, he has enough energy on his own)

2. This conversation is totally priceless!

B: “I don’t know how to read minds!”
S: “ I know how to read minds and your mind is saying “How can he read my mind?””
B: “How did you do that? Mommy, tell me how you read minds”
M: “I don’t know”
B: “Ha! Ha! Mommy doesn’t know how to read minds! S how do you read minds?”
S:” I’m reading my own mind”
B: “I’m reading my mind and guess what my mind says? “Hey give me your toys!”
B: "Now I’m reading your mind and guess what your mind says, “HANDS OFF!”

3. All my boys (including Papa) snuggled together on the couch watching OVERHAULIN'

4. The little Tyrant came downstairs with all his comfort items (his kitty cat wrapped in his blanket with a binky in his hands) and put them on my lap and asked me to "shnuggle" him.

Happy Birthday to a Funny Boy!

Having grown up with a birthday in mid-December I know how important it is for everyone to remember that "My Birthday is NOT Christmas!"

So when the Comedian's birthday rolled around on Dec. 19th we packed everyone up and headed South to play in the snow with cousins and celebrate the new SIX year old in our family. It was a funfilled day that started off at Uncle Mark's and Aunt Tina's with spaghetti (his favorite meal of all time) followed quickly by sleigh riding down the hills of Peteetneet the Historical School where I attended Head Start as a young girl. From there we went to Grandma's house for presents, yummy cake, and Creamsicles (ice-cream on a stick). After much playing and fun we headed back home. All three boys were asleep before we had been on the road for half an hour and slept all the way home.

A few days later we had a group of friends come over for more sledding, exploring of the awesome snow-forts in the front yard, warming up with some hot chocolate aka Snowman Soup, cake and more Creamsicles. Then we decorated Snowman plates, played a rousing game of Don't Eat Pete followed by lots of fun building Lego creations.

Truly a wonderfully FUN celebration of a sweet boy turning Six!

Sunday in a Winter Wonderland

This past Sunday after returning home from church I had a headache so I went upstairs to lay down for a bit.

While I was off in the land of nod the boys set their hands to taming the wonderous world of white that lay at our doorstep. In a little under two hours they built two glorious snow forts and a pretty good looking snowman. (Oh and there were a couple of snowball fights thrown into the mix as well) Enjoy the pictures. . .

I'm told that the Engineer was quite into the architecture of the fort building while the Comedian was more enthralled with the building of his new best friend Frosty. While he doesn't show in the pictures our resident Tiny Tyrant was in the mix having a great time as well. He had to some in and succumb to dreamland though before the camera came out.

The Fort with the yellow rake sticking out of the roof has been dubbed "Fort Claw"....can you guess who came up with the name?

Daily thoughts

Today...and well oddly enough...when I say today...I actually!!!!

I am thankful for....
1. Those rare mornings when there is no place to rush off to for either my husband or myself, when the boys wake up and sneak downstairs and turn cartoons on (the Comedian came in and whispered for permission first so that nobody got in trouble..and we told him to go even though it was only 6:30 and the rule was 7:00) and let us lay abed enjoying the luxury. Today was a bonus as there was snow falling and the light coming in the window was sparkly soft and the world outside was hushed and expectantly waiting to be dressed in unblemished white.

2. My talented husband who can rock the house, bring home the bacon and fixes vehicles even when it is snowing.

3. Microwaves (and the oven and frozen pizza) and the ease that they bring to making a quick warm meal.

4. the air outside warming up from frigid to merely cold....I almost don't need a coat...

Today I accomplished:
1. A lovely lay abed until almost decadent?
2. Christmas shopping completed (how did I ever survive without online ordering and free shipping?)
3. A quick, warm, and semi-nutritious lunch for the boys
4. errands by myself (yes that's right not a boy in sight! Just me all by myself doing things on the list!)
5. a pity party or two
6. a late dinner, made, served and cleaned up after (then again frozen pizza isn't that challenging even on my most challenging days)
7. Read 8 chapters of scriptures because yesterday I didn't....(I'm trying to finish the 4 gospels before the end of the year)
8. shoveled snow
9. shoveled snow and wished for a glove for my left hand....
10.shoveled ashes out of the fireplace
11. sent someone else to......shovel snow...still hadn't found my other glove
12. started a warm cozy fire and enjoyed it

See here's proof that just because the list is long it doesn't mean a whole lot was accomplished.....

Today's Memorable Moments

1. My Comedian and Engineer begged for today to be a Pajama day! I love that they want to stay home and enjoy being at home.

2. Tiny Tyrant....also more frequently known as Superman (pooperman) ..... said, "Watch this...swswswshoooo" and flew off into the livingroom. He really does love his cape and being a superhero. When I was starting the fireplace tonight he was throwing fireballs "ptchow! Ptchow!" into the opening from afar. What mom doesn't need a superhero around the house?

3. I returned home from errands and as I pulled into the driveway "Who You Are" by Hillary Weeks came on the radio. I cranked it up, sang along and sobbed......Here are the lyrics.... Today I really needed the reminder....

I know you wonder if you'll ever have a day when the kids stay calm, the laundry's done, and the dishes are put away. And sometimes you feel like your days are spent and gone and the question running through your mind is what have I gotten done? And when you finally have a moment to slow down at the end of you day I know Father would say

"Believe in what you're doing. Believe in who you are. Hold tight to the truth that you're a daughter of God. Believe in who you're becoming. Believe in who you are"

It may seem simple - all the little things you do But the lives you touch matter so much. And there's no one else like you. And Father needs you to stand tall and faithful to be all you can be. Oh, if you could see what he sees. When it's hard to believe in yourself and you feel like you're beginning to doubt Remember

He believes in what you're doing. He believes in who you are. Don't lose sight of the truth that you're a daughter of God. That he believes in who you're becoming. He believes in who you are.

This is so challenging for me to remember lately. I'm trying to focus on knowing that the gospel is true. There is a plan. Father in Heaven is aware of each one of us and knows what we are going through and sometimes when everything seems to be such a struggle He lets sweet moments of tender mercy happen when they will mean the most to us.

Daily thoughts

Today (again truly yesterday) I am thankful for:

1. Friends who willingly take my boy to ease my load as I juggle the Tyrant's therapy schedule

2. Nap-time (both the children's and mine)

3. Writers who can truly take me away for a time (thanks Mercedes Lackey for the new book)

Today (although few in number they felt like much more) I accomplished:
1. Took the Tyrant to his appointments

2. Read Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit by M. Lackey and was taken into a much more believable and empowering (in a the "lady likely does not feint or simply live for bon-bons and cocoa puffs" way) tale of King Arthur (well more likely that of Gwenhwyfar) while the Tyrant napped and no one else was at home instead of doing housework....

3. Made a pasta salad (that we mistakenly abandoned--oops) and took the boys to the Church Christmas Dinner even though I didn't want to go

4. Watched "Numbers" even though it was a re-run and then went to dreamland

Some Memorable Moments of the day--

1. The Engineer was reading aloud a Batman novel in the van on the way home from the Christmas dinner and when I told him that maybe he should start reading me bedtime stories he replied, "Well I could do that....but could it be Batman?" (nice to know he'll fit me into his schedule as long as I do it on his terms)

2. Lottie made YUMMY mini-pumpkin cheesecakes and had me do the taste-test before taking them to the dinner

3. I was (literally) ran into by NT in the halls of the church and picked him and we tick-tocked while he counted to five. The first time he landed with his head down and told me the clock had to keep "tocking" because he didn't want to be put down on his head. Brother Arradondo rescued him but thought he was one of my boys.....he's definitely one that I would keep if given the chance.

Today. . .

and by today I really mean yesterday *smile*

I am thankful for. . . .
1) making too much dinner and being able to share with an unsuspecting (but hopeful) neighbor (although I did have to borrow a pan from her in order to be able to pull it all off)
2) Brown rice- I love the smell of it as I toast it before steaming
3) NT sharing with me when I told him that "I was the meanest mom in the world" that surely I was wrong because "HIS mom was the meanest mom so I couldn't possibly be" I asked him if we were mean because we were mad or because we loved our kids and he responded "I think it depends on the circumstshances"

Today I accomplished
1) Three loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away
2) Made dinner for 5 families and delivered them all before 6 pm
3) Read 4 more chapters of scriptures
4) Read 5 verses of scriptures with the boys before rushing out the door to take them to school
5) 2 loads of dishes
6) said "No" when a request was made that overwhelmed me
7) talked to my friend briefly between both of us juggling the needs of our children
8) enjoyed Storytime and got a few books to read in all of my *cough* spare moments
9) had a great conversation with my husband about possibilities and options and which road we should travel down for awhile
10) kept my cool with the boys all day long and didn't raise my voice once

Today had some memorable moments. Some I want to remember are:
1) My Comedian said, "Gee Mom, I really didn't need you to shake it all over me. My mouth is up here!" when I shook his antibiotic and had already opened the lid (but didn't remember doing it) and it went all over the kitchen, myself and him.
2) The Tyrant in the middle of the night calling out "Mama! Mama!" and when I went to check on him he said accusingly. "My (b)kinky fell down (a)gain!" Then when we found it on his pillow he asked for two squishes and smiled while I was doing deep body compressions on him.
3) The Engineer who started a tickle war with the un-ticklish mommy just so I'd tickle him back.

Today was a good day! It was so full that I didn't even think of the sad or worry about what news might be arriving tomorrow, or all the needs that we just can't meet for our sweet little family right now.

well. . .not much. . .

Who needs a phone?

I'll just call grandma on my cracker!





This was a huge step today! Come celebrate with me! He thought this up all on his own with no encouragement or modeling or coaching. I felt like I was walking on air for a moment or two.

This little boy takes things so literally. Cars must be cars and they must drive flat on the floor/road. They cannot fly through the air or make any sounds that might vary from "car-like". Blocks are meant to be used to build towers, they can't drive like cars or be used to build roads. Blankets are meant to be used on the bed, not play hide-and-seek with or to hang up for the sides of a fort. In the last couple of months he has decided that in order to be an effective superhero blankets can be capes, blocks can be hand held super devices and today a graham cracker can be a phone.


We are finally moving into some pretend play which means that he's taking another step up the ladder of social play skills.

I hope he and grandma had a nice conversation.

I wonder what kind of reception graham crackers get...

Just getting by.....

Today I am thankful for
1. my three sweet boys
2. my friend, Lara, who called because she was having a challenging day and instead ended up listening to me lose it
3. a fireplace and wood to burn to help keep us warmer in the frigid weather

Today I accomplished
1. Fed my children
2. Read 4 chapters in my scriptures
3. Asked for help when I was at the end of my rope

Today I had some memorable moments that keep me going when times are tough. I particularly want to remember

1. Snuggling the Tyrant and him listening to me sing "Silent Night" before bedtime
2. Figuring out that when the Tyrant starts saying "No man, No man, No man" He wants us to sing the Once there was a Snowman, Snowman, snowman...tall, tall, tall. . ." and then singing it over and over again with him while he does the actions...SO MUCH FUN!!!!
3. When I apologized to the Comedian for screaming at him he said, "Sometimes we all have bad days. Some of us have more mistakes than others but I love you anyway!"

With What Shall We Fix It?