Use the Force. . . .

Star Wars is having a revival around our house lately. And my Lego Engineer has been inspired. He really wants me to share with you some of his incredible creations. Above is an x-wing...or I've just been corrected. It's knick-name is "the long eyed fighter" and the code name is the "4 eyed ship that drops off clones".

This one was crafted by the Comedian. It is a clown ship...or so I've been told.

Here is a group picture of many of the creations.

And this one was made especially for Monster baby (who is less of a baby each and every day). So he wouldn't feel left out of the zooming and zipping flying all over the house.

So now just remember to wear your shoes inside my house because the pain caused from stepping on one of these things is excruciating!


Jill said...

I just keep thinking how PROUD your boys must feel to have their creations on your blog!

Catherine Cazier said...

You give me a bit of hope that my Zekaia, now 3 1/2 might someday become some fun. He is just so emotional and has been really hard to handle lately. Temper tantrums everywhere. But when I read about your boys I just tell myself maybe someday he will do something fun. Thanks for the hope.

C Dawn's bucket said...

Jill, I think for them the most important thing is that we are willing to cherish their creations enough to want to record them. With an almost 2 year old around sometimes a project that took many hours to create is gone in just a few seconds. So when they really work at something I try to take a picture of it for them. This has made the older 2 boys much more understanding and compassionate when the baby or someone else (like me) breaks something. I love that they have developed the attitude that things can always be rebuilt and it will probably be even more amazing the second time around.

C Dawn's bucket said...


We had a similar problem with our 2nd son. His older brother was just so set on what he liked and was into that we often just lumped the two of them together. Once we really sat down and figured out what HIS interests were and not his brothers life got a lot more fun around here.

Good Luck with your 3 1/2 year old.

Monica said...

What is it with little boys and Star Wars? I find pictures of various Lego Star Wars creations on my camera on a regular basis- Isaac will build a new ship and then set it up and take a picture of it for me to find later. Little boys are so much fun. I love reading your blog. You have such a positive outlook on life. I think you're wonderful!

C Dawn's bucket said...


I'm not sure but the Star Wars bug has hit here for sure. I'm glad you enjoy reading my blog. I think you are wonderful too! It is good that we can be sisters in the gospel and buoy each other up.

With What Shall We Fix It?