Who was that masked mom?

So I was being a dork and playing around with my boys. They are into superheros big time lately. So we had capes, and pretend webs and all kinds of pretend weapons being flung around the living room at pretend bad guys, with all the showoff stances and everything that comes along with it.

I was obviously too into the moment because I declared, "I'm batman! So just give up!"

To which my 7 year old instantly froze, gave me the "you're such a dork look", and slowly and carefully said...."You mean the Mrs. Batman? I don't think there is one. I know there is Wonder Woman but you wear too many clothes (!?!) to be her. Hmm...maybe you will have to pretend to be a boy first before you pick a superhero!"

When I burst into laughter he was quite concerned and added, "Why don't we watch one of the shows so you can learn how to play a bit better, okay?"

So now I need lessons in playing superheroes.......what next?

A little while later I asked him, "So if I can't be batman who can I be?" and he looked at me with his sweet face (the one he uses when he is being patient with his little brothers and doesn't want to make them cry but knows that what he has to say will probably hurt anyway) and says, "Mom just be yourself, leave the superhero stuff to us experts"


Catherine Cazier said...

Gotta love those kids!

Jill said...

I read about this online and I was hoping you would put it on your blog! I've also been thinking about you and wondering if you did your tent idea again for conference weekend.

Jared & Kayleen said...

That's the cutest thing ever! I miss those boys.

Stephen & Jill Williams said...

Ha ha ha! That's great!

C Dawn's bucket said...

Jill--the tent was duly erected Saturday thru Sunday. We are still working out our family goals from the conference but I'll post once we have consensus.

Kayleen--they miss you so much too! Especially the 7 year old (can you believe he's in 2nd grade?) He asks about you often.

Lotte said...

So funny! Maybe there is a special class you have to take!

With What Shall We Fix It?