No mommy ever wants to hear that blood curdling sound of a child experiencing sever pain and being scared. I haven't quite figured out why tragic things always happen when I'm either having a moment in the bathroom by myself or rotating the laundry...but so it seems to be.

What has got my little Monster Baby so sad? Well he had an unfortunate accident with a fork. Luckily it did not hit his eye and he is healing up well. So we are refraining from using real adult forks for awhile. Because even though he was almost two he is still my little baby guy.

Don't you just want to take him in your arms and squish him up and love him all better?


DJ Thunder said...

I felt so bad when this happened. We always want to protect our little kids from everything, but our little kids want to experience everything, so there seems to be two forces of nature working in opposite directions sometimes... I would have liked to hold him all day long when this happened. He is a rather cute monster baby :)

With What Shall We Fix It?