I have had such a hard time getting back here and writing. I don't know that I want all the bad and hard stuff out there in cyberland (even though I know my few faithful followers would never care or share it) because a lot of what has been going on is my boys' story, their healing and trauma and not mine to share with the whole of the electronic world. And somehow writing about the good stuff has been hard too. I don't want only writing about the good stuff to make it appear that everything is okay or somehow to minimize the challenges and difficulties of our lives and how truly difficult it is and what a long journey healing is.
That being said, I need an out...somewhere to remember that our lives are going on and not just ending here.
So.....what to do? I'm not going to make promises or set goals or whatever because I've done that before and never followed through....but I am giving myself permission to blog....and we'll see where that takes us...
Today I finished a weighted blanket and pillow case for a friend and they'll go in the mail on Monday...
I also made yummy bias to edge another quilt that has been a lost unfinished orphan for far too long
It snowed...the boys had fun....most of it is gone now
Brady worked with the boys on getting a roof on the tree house
Church is hard. The Primary President has issues with children with mental health challenges...we haven't attended in over 2 months. I don't know how to resolve it...but I cannot let them attend in an unsafe environment.
We want to move but the more I want to move the more things get in the way and let me know we are going to be here awhile....I've been told in answer to my prayers that living here will always be the same the people will never change and will never truly care about our family.....I'm trusting in the Lord that if we are meant to move that he will provide a way.
The time changes tomorrow.....I'm looking forward to being able to sleep in...
I'm going to go ask my music man...if we can go out to eat....
I have some catching up to do...Part 2
18 hours ago