Some Summer Fun

What are they doing?  
I'm really wanting the cold to go away and the summer warmth (or at least the spring warmth) to come and play with us again.  There have been several days during the last week that our high was in the single (and sometimes in the negative) digits.  So here are some fun pics from Summertime to warm me up.
Slides are sooooo second grade!
Mom he's making a road with my War Cards!
So what exactly is the point of 52 card pick-up?


Valerie said...

I am so ready for warm weather too! Cute pics.

Jocelyn Christensen said...

You're a winner over on my blog!!! email me so you can get your prize!

Grandma Honey said...

I need to check your blog more often now that you are writing here again. I've missed you! Good to know you are back.

Luv4thePaws said...


Thank you so much for your comment! I could never be mad at you or other struggling moms for not writing about what they're going through. I just know certain people in our lives who are experiencing much of the same thing who refuse to talk about it because they are in denial, and every blog post is "oh, we're such a happy family!" Sometimes it just feels isolating and unfair. I guess it sounds childish of me to say that, but it's frustrating.

I would love to go to the retreat, but I've been waiting to see how other things are shaping up. With Victor's surgery and a little getaway we already planned for Tom's birthday, then he doesn't have much vacation time left to stay home and watch the kids while I am in Utah. Just a lot going on.

I haven't ruled it out completely, though!
Kari :)

With What Shall We Fix It?