Could it be that God loves broken things?

We are all pretty broken here.  Shattered into infinitesimal pieces.  Don't ask please. The details are not for public consumption.  If you need to know or we need you to know you already do.  Please love us through this, don't push, just know that we need prayers more than ever before.  Pray with us that God can make something greater than we can envision out of our brokenness.  Pray that we will keep praying and keep believing that He can lift us above all of this.  I thought I knew what hard was...but now I know that I had no idea.


Momof3 said...

Of course, our prayers are with you!

Valerie said...

I have loved that video since I saw it. I'm sorry to hear that you are going through such difficult times. If you can think of something I can do from Spanish Fork, please let me know. I will be praying for you and your family.

Stephen & Jill Williams said...

Love you!

Char said...

Thanks for sharing. love you all!

The Leake's are everywhere said...

I'll put you in the temple prayer list. I hope that things get better for you soon! I have been thinking about you a lot lately.

With What Shall We Fix It?