No Need to Fear. . . .Super Dishwasher boy is here!

Ever since we instituted an allowance system where
the boys can earn a few coins for different jobs around
the house I have been blessed to have great helpers that are
always willing to pitch in when I need an extra hand.
Here 2 of the boys are splitting the 10 cent job of unloading the dishwasher.

My comedian reminded me that they'll wear their
capes and super hero gear for "No Extra Charge"

So if you need some extra household help, let me know.
I can even share with you the going rates.
However for you the costumes might cost extra!


Danica said...

Oh That is great :) LOL They are to much.... Yes please send them over LOL.. But I don't have a dishwasher :( can they hand wash? TEEHEE....

Lotte said...

Your boys are so funny!

With What Shall We Fix It?