Have you ever tasted a Pawdohwahp?

My little comedian has been telling stories and here is his latest.

Once upon a time there was a Pawdowahp. It lived in a pond. It felt the boughter (rhymes with daughter). A boughter is a kind of machine that lives on earth and it is kind of fuzzy. The boughter digged up the Pawdowahp with its big claws. Everyone heard it go, CRUNCH! Then the boughter flipped over and dropped the Pawdowahp. Then came a big Giant through the forest to the pond and it picked up the Pawdowahp and ate it. Soon the Giant said, "aaaaargh" and threw up the Pawdowahp into the deep pond water. The Giant cried and ran to find its mommy. He never ate another Pawdowahp. He always told his friends to Hang-dwop if they saw a Pawdowahp.

The End


With What Shall We Fix It?