Soon after returning home from vacation the much awaited book Janitor's written by Tyler Whitesides (husband of Samuel's much loved teacher last year Connie Whitesides) was released and he was signing books at a local book store.  Of course we had to pick up Jackson and go!  It was so fun! 

The boys loved seeing Mrs. Whitesides almost as much as getting their books signed.

Samuel was trying to catch Tyler up on all his doings of the 
summer in the 30 seconds it took for his book to be signed.

Benjamin was a little shy but loved getting his own signed book as well.

Jackson was quite pleased that Tyler remembered him from when 
he was in Mrs. Whitesides' class the year before.

We even had a special treat of being able to see Tyler and his percussion friends perform before the signing.  You can relive it all here:

I didn't get a picture because I was driving but their noses were all buried in books on the way home.  Definitely a memory worth recording.  Now when is book 2 being released?


With What Shall We Fix It?