Well my bags are packed and I'm ready to go. . .

                                           photo courtesy of David Ruiz via stock.xchange.com

Well not really.  I do however have a list of things to pack and a shopping list for things I need that I don't have on hand.  I've got the preparations for the dinner group tomorrow night underway.  The Comedian approves of my wardrobe choices.  He told me this morning "No Mom, you should wear some of the cute clothes"  I was given some darling clothes by a friend, V (who got them through someone else) and I was doing a mini-fashion show last night.  So I changed into one of the tops before I picked him up from school today.  Who knew that my 6 year old cares about how I dress.   He was oddly enough appreciative and told me with a great smile that is going to make some very special person's heart flutter when he's older that he was so happy that I was wearing the cute clothes and that I was the best mommy he ever knew.  (did you notice that run on sentence?  Well I hope it makes sense somehow to you because I'm not going to edit it.  Instead I'll just write this really long commentary about it and surely that will take less time and energy than going back and sorting it out.  So there :P )  Guess maybe I need to reevaluate my own clothing sense and see if I need to step up the cuteness factor a bit, especially is it is going to be noticed.

Since I'm being truthful and all I've got to tell you I'm full of nerves but really can't wait to meet all the ladies at the retreat this weekend.  My batteries are so low and I'm really counting on them being recharged so that I can come back at all this jumbled combination of appointments, stress, grief, and facing the long road of recovery ahead with some new energy and fresh perspective.

I am grateful to my friends who are helping to juggle the boys and my  husband for making this much needed break to happen.  Another friend who is helping through all this mess asked me if I was feeling guilty about leaving them and while this may change, truly right now I don't.  I know that they will be in good hands.  K and C will love and care for them like they are their own children on Friday and I think it will be nice for them to have some one on one time with their papa for the rest of the weekend.

Although, you know that feeling of just waiting for something to fall to pieces around you because you are planning something just for yourself?  That's me right now. . . .

But there is not much right now that could keep me from going and anything that would is highly unlikely so watch out world because mama needs a break!

Anyone want to volunteer to hold my hand and calm my nerves between now and Friday?  Huh?  Please?

I feel the Lord's Love for me when:

*my boys are all together and we are just enjoying the moment
*I walk in the sunshine
*I see flowers blooming (especially the tulips and daffodils we planted last fall)
*I read the scriptures
*I pray
*I hear my boys' pray
*my favorite chocolate bar suddenly and without explanation appears on my night stand
*The Engineer writes me a love note during church
*I listen to uplifting music
*I talk with friends
*ginger snaps are brought by for no reason at all
*my friends' help me to juggle my schedule by watching a boy or two without ever making me feel guilty that I need to leave them (or that I ask them over and over again to help)
*Mr. Music Man and I have a few quiet moments to just be with each other
*I receive emails or cards from friends
*when several friends all uncoordinated (I know this because most of you don't know each other *smile*) send me notes of encouragement just when I am feeling at a low point and they all arrive within 15 minutes of each other
*a local church leader stops by to ask the boys to help him feed the ducks in the nearby stream because he has lots of bread left over.
*I get to play tag with my boys
*I reread notes that I've taken at conferences or other classes and find the answer to today's questions.
*I look out my kitchen window and see the blossoms on the apple tree

The Secret of the Bionicle World (part one)

It has been quite awhile since I've included one of the Comedian's stories on here.  His creative powers have recently shifted from creatures unknown to most to the world of the Bionicle.  Any spelling errors are mine but the grammar and story are as he dictated it to me.

Without further ado, I present to you:

The Secret of the Bionicle World (part one)
 created and dictated by the Comedian (age 6)

 Once there were four Bionicles; gold, water, fire and leaf.  As the gold Bionicle sat in his chair with his golden medal he thought him could go out for a walk.  He walked through the mighty forest and at then end there was a pond.   And the water Bionicle under the sea said “oh no  crocodiles!”  The golden Bionicle sensed him was in there and used his golden power to lift him out of the sea.  As the crocodiles figure out him is gone them goed back into the surface of the pond.

The golden Bionicle thought him would go into a jungle so as him go-ed him found a bird.  The bird lifted him up to the top of the jungle.  But the golden Bionicle knew what to do he used his golden power to make a hole in the tree and a thing that them could bounce on.  Then the leaf Toa stopped them from bouncing and lifted them carefully off the bounce thing. 

 Then all three Bionicle thought them could go to the center of the earth to see what the fire Bionicle were doing.  So them go to the center of the earth and saw that them were doing a star show which would show who was the best-est fire Bionicle.  All the fire Bionicle said, “Hold Neutron!” because Neutron was the bestest fire Bionicle. 

Then Neutron came to the surface of the earth with them and a big war began--The evil against the good.  Then in the battle them discovered that them could combine with each other and make a big huge Bionicle together.  After combining they were so powerful that they won the battle.  Then all four turned into golden Bionicle and the leader of the Glatorian asked where their habitat would be.  Them said we want the golden forest to be our habitat.  So they went there to live there.

Stay tuned for the next bionacle story. . .

With What Shall We Fix It?