They're coming to take me away. . .

They're coming to take me away, 
ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa.
To the happy home. 
With trees and flowers and 
chirping birds and 
basket weavers who sit and 
smile and twiddle their thumbs 
and toes and they're
coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!! 

So I think I may have a small case of paranoia.  A friend (who shall rename nameless to protect the innocent)  told me about SITEMETER which counts the numbers of visitors to your blog (or website) and gives you some basic information like where in the world they are located, if they hopped to my blog from somewhere else, if they clicked on any links to hop off my site, how long you hang out here, etc. 
You don't have to worry about Big Brother watching you because I am *grin*

And well, many more folk stop by my blog than I ever expected to.  Which started to freak me out a bit since this blog is mostly about my life and my boys and the world is unfortunately a lot less friendly and safe than it was 30 years ago.  So I wigged out and went private on ya'all.  Then I had a teeny tiny epiphany.  One of the most frequent ISP's that would sit on my site for hours at a time was my own.

So I think I'm done wigging out, and I fixed the sitemeter so that it won't list me and will thus give a more accurate representation and I decided to open my blog up once again.

However, I would like to request that if you stop by you say "hi" every once in awhile, because this blog is mostly for me and my family and I would like to know who is reading.  So if you are friends with Tori and live in Colorado and you pass by here on your way to her parent's site, or if you are a random friendly neighbor in Spanish Fork who likes to keep up with us, or if you found me from a comment on Corey's, or Christine's or Diana's blog, get the picture....Let me know where you are reading from and what you enjoy about my blog

and that will keep the "nice young men in their clean white coats" at bay for a bit longer.


That Explains it!

I had the pleasure of having NT tag along with me today.  I really enjoy his perspective on life and the world we live in.  I can not hang out with him and not crack up in laughter at least once.  Today we were heading back to my house after some errands to pick the Comedian up from Kindergarten and NT begins to converse with me.  He says:

NT:  "Cynfwia that is where I get my hair cutted!"
Me:  "Really?"
NT:  "Yes, my mom and my brudder gets hair cutted there too.  It's a BEAUTY school!"
Me:  "Is that why you are so very BEAUTIFUL?"
NT:  "Yup!"  a few moments of silence and then..."Cynfwia, did you ever go to Beauty school?"
Me:  "Nope"
NT:  "Oh, that explains it then. . . ."
Me:   "Explains what exactly?"  (dying of laughter and trying to not laugh out loud)
NT:  "Why yous hair is so very long."

So there you have it.  Want long hair?  Don't go to beauty school.

Going Private

The time has come, the time is now.....

This blog will be going private by the end of the week.  If you want to keep reading, please leave a comment below this post with your email address and I will send you an invitation to allow you to continue reading.  If you don't want to leave your email address and you know my email address then send me an email and I'll send out an invitation.

Don't Eat Pete!

The Comedian was introduced to the wonderfully fun game of "Don't Eat Pete" in his Kindergarten class around Christmastime.  In fact they made Don't Eat Pete gameboards to bring home to their family as their gift.  So for New Years Eve one of the rousing games we played was. . . .you guessed it. . . .Don't Eat Pete!

He has brought it up and we've played different versions off and on.  We played with all of his friends at his birthday party.  Today we couldn't find the original Alien Pete gameboard or the mommy created Snowman gameboard so he put about 20 stickers on a piece of notebook paper and asked to play.

I was quite occupied with bread dough all over my hands so told him we'd have to wait a bit until the rolls were ready to rise.  When I was finished with the rolls I asked him what we were going to play with (for this game the game pieces are usually small pieces of candy) and he says, "Hmmm we are out of smarties, so how about macaroni!"

I replied, "I don't want to break my teeth, so how about Fruit Loops!"

And the game was on.  Now being 6 the Comedian's strategy skills are not the best.  So when he chooses which spot is "Pete" he stares at the spot without blinking.  It kind of takes the randomness and surprise out of the game.  So during one round I was trying really hard to just play how I would play if he were not sending laser beams through "Pete" and suddenly he looks up at me and says, "Are you reading my mind?  That's cheating you know!"

(We have previously had discussions about mind reading here)

My assurances that I was not and could not know read his mind did not mean a whole lot for on the very next round (it was my turn to choose "Pete") he sat down and after having his hands hover over each and every spot on the board, his eyes looking up to meet mine with each pause his hand darted out and grabbed "Pete"!

He decided that he would rather go and play with the Engineer because he had not yet learned all the tricks of mind reading.

And I had a really great laugh!

With What Shall We Fix It?