Today...and well oddly enough...when I say today...I actually mean...
I am
thankful for....
1. Those rare mornings when there is no place to rush off to for either my husband or myself, when the boys wake up and sneak downstairs and turn cartoons on (the Comedian came in and whispered for permission first so that nobody got in trouble..and we told him to go even though it was only 6:30 and the rule was 7:00) and let us lay abed enjoying the luxury. Today was a bonus as there was snow falling and the light coming in the window was sparkly soft and the world outside was hushed and expectantly waiting to be dressed in unblemished white.
2. My talented husband who can rock the house, bring home the bacon and fixes vehicles even when it is snowing.
3. Microwaves (and the oven and frozen pizza) and the ease that they bring to making a quick warm meal.
4. the air outside warming up from frigid to merely cold....I almost don't need a coat...
Today I
1. A lovely lay abed until almost decadent?
2. Christmas shopping completed
(how did I ever survive without online ordering and free shipping?)3. A quick, warm, and semi-nutritious lunch for the boys
4. errands by myself
(yes that's right not a boy in sight! Just me all by myself doing things on the list!)5. a pity party or two
6. a late dinner, made, served and cleaned up after
(then again frozen pizza isn't that challenging even on my most challenging days)
7. Read 8 chapters of scriptures because yesterday I didn't....
(I'm trying to finish the 4 gospels before the end of the year)8. shoveled snow
9. shoveled snow and wished for a glove for my left hand....
10.shoveled ashes out of the fireplace
11. sent someone else to......shovel snow...still hadn't found my other glove
12. started a warm cozy fire and enjoyed it
See here's proof that just because the list is long it doesn't mean a whole lot was accomplished.....
Today's Memorable Moments1. My Comedian and Engineer begged for today to be a Pajama day! I love that they want to stay home and enjoy being at home.
2. Tiny Tyrant....also more frequently known as Superman (pooperman) ..... said, "Watch this...swswswshoooo" and flew off into the livingroom. He really does love his cape and being a superhero. When I was starting the fireplace tonight he was throwing fireballs "ptchow! Ptchow!" into the opening from afar. What mom doesn't need a superhero around the house?
3. I returned home from errands and as I pulled into the driveway "Who You Are" by Hillary Weeks came on the radio. I cranked it up, sang along and sobbed......Here are the lyrics.... Today I really needed the reminder....
I know you wonder if you'll ever have a day when the kids stay calm, the laundry's done, and the dishes are put away. And sometimes you feel like your days are spent and gone and the question running through your mind is what have I gotten done? And when you finally have a moment to slow down at the end of you day I know Father would say"Believe in what you're doing. Believe in who you are. Hold tight to the truth that you're a daughter of God. Believe in who you're becoming. Believe in who you are"It may seem simple - all the little things you do But the lives you touch matter so much. And there's no one else like you. And Father needs you to stand tall and faithful to be all you can be. Oh, if you could see what he sees. When it's hard to believe in yourself and you feel like you're beginning to doubt RememberHe believes in what you're doing. He believes in who you are. Don't lose sight of the truth that you're a daughter of God. That he believes in who you're becoming. He believes in who you are.This is so challenging for me to remember lately. I'm trying to focus on knowing that the gospel is true. There is a plan. Father in Heaven is aware of each one of us and knows what we are going through and sometimes when everything seems to be such a struggle He lets sweet moments of tender mercy happen when they will mean the most to us.