So school is out and summer time is here and multiple times a day one child or another asks that all important question, "Mom, can you make us a snack?" Since the Comedian had surgery last week most snacks around our house over the last week or so have consisted of ice cream, Popsicles, and a variety of slushies.
Today however the ever-reoccurring request was followed by the Engineer making a request that today he "wants a really healthy snack, no junk food for him." So I think of all the healthy options that we have and offer apples, bananas, carrots, cantelope, crackers and cheese the answer to each is "no, I don't feel like that today"
Finally out of ideas and options and quickly losing my good will of wanting to make them a snack at all, I ask them what they would like (I know should have done that one sooner).
Both older boys eagerly chimed in that they wanted a slice of bread with mayonnaise and ketchup spread on it, topped with a slice of cheese.
As I'm about to shoot their option down the Engineer chimes in with "remember mom the bread is 100% whole wheat and cheese is in the dairy group"
So I give in and let them have a disgusting snack......
I thought of taking pictures but then decided that I'd spare you all the visual imagery.
I did however water down the juice I gave them.....
So you don't need to send a nutritionist in to rescue them just yet.
3 days ago
Thanks for the afternoon laugh... dang kiddos! Finally I feel normal when I read your blog LOL I thought only my family/boys were odd!
What is it with kids and ketchup? Lucy will eat just about anything with it!
Here's some more inspiration for you...It's so easy to get caught in a rut. My daughter really likes to try out the kid snack recipes from
Your boys might like their wrap recipe. So easy, and of course you can modify with what you have on hand. You take a wrap, spread about a tablespoon of ranch dressing on and cover with a leaf of Boston or romaine lettuce, a slice of cheese, and one shredded carrot. I put the ingredients together and she makes it.
Ants on a log. Celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins (to represent the ants.
Cut an apple in half and only remove the seeds. Then fill the inside with peanut butter or a yogurt sauce. You can make it into a boat with a homemade "sail" (toothpick with a fruit triangle attached)
Take cut up pieces of fruit and have the boys make sculptures. Take photos and then eat.
Good luck!
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