Spring Break 2009

We went to Hill Aerospace Museum for one of our adventures during Spring Break. The "Big Boys" were really interested in all the different kinds of aircraft, their weapon systems, what they carried, and all other kinds of stuff this "girly girl" mommy has a hard time keeping up with them on.

Here they are seeing if they have enough muscle power to move the propeller that almost touched the ground.

The Little Boy on the other hand was fascinated with ....

the amazing variety of rocks that could be found around the outside exhibits.

While he was checking out the smallest things around.

Ben was trying to be as tall as the landing wheel on one airplane. He doesn't quite make it though.
The Engineer needs to take a closer look to the interior of several airplanes. Luckily his Papa was very accommodating in boosting him up repeatedly.

Here are Sam and Ben near the logo on the tail of a small aircraft. They had a very good day. The inside of the museum was cool too but we had to hustle through it as by the time we finished oggling all the aircraft outside there was only a half hour left until the museum itself closed.

While we were inside Tim kept pointing to the airplanes and saying "In the Sky!!! In the Sky!!!!" It was so cute. Definitely a fun way to spend Spring Break.


Stephen & Jill Williams said...

What a fun day it sounds like you all had!

Catherine Cazier said...

Zekaia would love that place, might have to stop by there one day. It was great to see the pictures!!

Catherine Cazier said...

Okay so you don't have to ship it to China that would be exspensive, I think. I have not checked that out yet but you can ship it to my Mom in Idaho. My email address is jamcat_jou@yahoo.com you can email me then I can email you back her address :)

With What Shall We Fix It?