Snow, Snow, Go Away . . . . .

So my little engineer has finally decided that he too is tired of the snow and cold. He asked his papa the other day when Spring would finally be here. When he heard that it had to warm up enough to melt all the snow he decided that we had to do something to help Father in Heaven and Mother nature along.

After thinking about it for a bit he decided that if we were to move our stove and microwave outside, open the oven door and turn them all on high that before long the snow would melt and then springtime would be here. If we could convince all our neighbors to do the same thing it would come just that much faster.

When Papa confronted him with the electrical requirements of such an endeavor......

Mr. Engineer replied, "Oh I forgot about the power"

So now he is off to find another grande plan to get rid of this cold and wet stuff.


DJ Thunder said...

He always has a solution to just about every problem...hehe.... I really like this blog sweetheart, and the picture is perfect. Wish I was home :)

Keri said...

I hope he finds a way soon because I am ready for warmth! I love how his mind is thinking!

C Dawn's bucket said...

Me too, at least I think he has finally convinced Ben to stop praying for snow each night, hopefully that will help because I'm sick of all the snow too.....

With What Shall We Fix It?