What's More American than. . .

flying flags, singing patriotic songs and gathering inside a football stadium to watch

 bright shiny lights explode in the night sky waiting with baited breath until we see even  more. . .
all the while stuffing our little tummies with kettle corn, snowcones and the evil and insipid

Truthfully all told, even though the mom did not plan for healthy snacks to munch on and we pretty much gorged on all the sugary goodness being sold by the concession stands, we had a really great night.  I had the pleasure of seeing one of the moms who I went on the retreat with and her family and then we were totally surprised to learn that right behind us was the Speech Pathologist who worked with the Engineer at the University when he was 4 and 5.  (We all adored her!) So it was fun to visit and catch-up.

So, in the defense of sugary goodness from the concessions stands.  I got the Tyrant to try a snow cone and he loved it.  I would put a little of the ice kernels on the little spoon-straw thingy and tell him here comes the "ice on the tongue" and he laughed and laughed so hard.  It was a trick that just didn't grow old for him.   It brought both myself and many of the people around him joy as many of them joined in as they watched and listened to his infectious giggle.

I confess that I was not at my best but really felt a small infusion of hope and a determination to kick all this garbage stuff to the curb and get on with living life.  It was also pleasantly surprising and very enjoyable to see the Tyrant make it through the entire evening with joy and wonderment on his face.  Towards the end with the finale the sounds and sights got to be a bit much for him but he just burrowed under the blanket we had brought and had me hold my hands over his ears.

The next day was a bit of a stretch and had some payback (don't they always?) but we kind of planned and expected it so just had a low key day around home planned.  Once the Tryant was down for his nap my husband took both the Engineer and the Comedian over to drool over the classic cars on display.  They did a fabulous job of charming  the owners because they were even invited to sit behind the wheel in a few.

I am so very grateful to our founding fathers for their foresight, courage, and determination in establishing this wonderful country where we are all so richly blessed.  I am humbled at the sacrifice that the men and women in uniform and their families make each and every day to help us keep our freedoms.  I pray that we as a people will do our part to select great leaders who will make the choices to help us stay free now and in the future.

With What Shall We Fix It?